

My name is Randy Wheeze and I am a 29 year old from Canada. I have been playing video games since before I remember; My first gaming memories include playing Road Rash on my Sega Genesis and Uninvited on my Amiga 1000. Growing up in the 90's, I took the Nintendo route but by the time the 2000's hit I was a spoiled child with the complete trifecta of PS2, Xbox, and a Gamecube. Also a player of handhelds, eventually all gaming was taken over the the PC. MMO's and RPG'ers were always a favorite and go to for me, but as grew older I found my true love: Simultation. This blog here serves as a place holder for what is to come. The handle WIESNERX0042 has been my online handle for gaming and social since before 2010, but I am consider taking on a new identity as a look to get more serious in posting videos to my youtube channel . Since a young age, my interests have always been video games and electronics, but as I age I find myself interested in sports and cars with a specifi...